2 baby cards for the October babies

October / November must be the baby season, so many friends and coworkers just welcomed their little ones. I made 2 baby cards for my friends. One of them is also a card maker, so I was even more cautious with picking out the paper coordination. I followed the Super Sunday Sketch for this card. Hope she will like it!

The second one took less time. I had this lady bug for a baby scrapbooking element set. It looked a bit plain so I added several crystals embellishments on it. The little extra touch definitely brightened up the card!


TesaB said...

Two super cute cards. Love your take on the sketch, thanks for playing!

~amy~ said...

FUN baby cards! love your 365 Cards sketch card!

Rose said...

both are super sweet!! great take on the sketch :)

~ Sophia ~ said...

Sweet card! Your friend must have been really happy to get such a lovely card!

Pam said...

Such precious cards, beautiful!

可可 said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words. :)

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