365Cards Challenge: Day 29 "Hang in There"

Several dear friends are facing challenges, health, family, marriage, work. I wish all of my friends the best of luck. Hang in there!

Card for my Day 29 challenge "Hang in there"

Origami is one of my favourite hobbies since I was a kid. I made these origami shirts, drew the hangers, glued some mini crystals on them, and voila! Still unrusting myself from all the cards making, that's why it still took me 2 hours or so to come up with this card.

365Cards Challenge: Day 28 - Super Sketchy Sunday

I learned about this 365 card blog from my friend. I finally decided to follow one of the sketch to try it out myself.
有一段時間沒有做手作卡了. 今日在家, 左貼貼, 右貼貼的. 弄了這張卡. 奶奶四月生日. 母親節還有一個多月, 五月又有朋友結婚, 這一個月有很多機會再做更多的心意卡了.

I was following the sketch from Day 28 - Super Sketchy Sunday.
My card
I am a little rusty with my card making. Hopefully my cards will look better with more practices. :)