我已經為母親節準備好了! 可可喜歡做卡給媽咪, 因為她收到時會好好欣賞, 用好誇張的口吻讚賞一輪, 回到家後, 又會把我的卡放在family當眼的地方. 可可每次回家見到自己的卡被放在family room 裡, 都會好似小朋友時作品被"貼堂"般沾沾自喜. 媽咪當然把我以往送給她的卡都好好收藏起來. I am ready for Mother's Day! I made our mothers handmade cards. I love making my mom handmade cards, since she always appreciates receiving them, and will even display them in the family room for a while. :)
最近見Diana瘋狂的弄quilling手作卡, 我也試試看. 還做了兩張差不多樣, 媽咪一張, 奶奶一張. (無偏心架! :) ) I am trying out the quilling method after seeing Diana has been addicted to quilling lately :)
Mother's Day Card for our Moms.
其實我一開始時做了很多花, 不過就是不懂arrange. 試了幾次, 把花朵貼了又貼, 這就是我第一張quilling 卡. When I first tried this, I made a lot of different types of flowers, but I had trouble arranging them. This was my very first quilling card. It is not as nice, so I will just keep it to myself.
My first quilling card
最好送給母親的母親節禮物, 就是一些自己親手做又不太貴的貼心禮物. 我就膽粗粗, 做了條necklace 給媽咪. 希望她鍾意啦. 我地今晚就跟我媽咪去食日本菜, 明晚就跟奶奶吃飯. It is the best to make a gift for mom. It's thoughtful yet not expensive. (You know how mom are always worried about kids spending too much money...) This year, I made my mom a necklace. :) Dinner with my mom tonight, and then dinner with Ka's mom tomorrow. Happy Mother's Day weekend!
Pain points last night: Right knee
Pain points this morning: Right knee, left shin, right upper back, right elbow (whole body just feels tight)